Chicago Cubs: Three reasons I’m willing to trust David Ross

(Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images)
(Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images) /
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Chicago Cubs
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Chicago Cubs: We have to trust this front office

Some Chicago Cubs fans are upset that the front office didn’t give the other candidates, including Joe Espada and Joe Girardi, a fair chance. Yet it’s been clear from the beginning the Ross was the favorite for the job. The other candidates needed to do something spectacular to pass Ross on the front office’s list. None of them did so.

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Yes, this front office has made some moves that haven’t gone as expected. They’ve made some trades that haven’t worked out, while some of their free agent signings haven’t lived up to expectations.

Yet this is the front office that brought us our first World Series championship in 108 years. This is the front office that made the bold move to go out and get Joe Maddon as soon as he became available. Though I’m skeptical about how Ross will do, Epstein and Co. have a lot of faith in him, and I am going to respect that.

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The Chicago Cubs have made a lot of moves over the years that I’ve disagreed with. Yet that doesn’t mean that I’ve abandoned them. And I’m certainly not going to now.

Viewing my Twitter feed, there are a lot of angry fans out there right now. I get that. And many of them make valid points to be concerned about with Ross. Yet anger isn’t going to make the Cubs play any better. And it’s not going to help the former fan favorite become a better manager. Like it or not, he’s the guy in charge now, so we have to rally behind him and give him the respect that this front office and all the players have.

These guys will have monster years under David Ross. dark. Next

David Ross has a lot of doubters out there. I think we should give him every opportunity to prove them wrong. I would love nothing more than for this guy to win a World Series as Chicago Cubs manager and I hope we see it soon.