Chicago Cubs fans that travel over the summer following the team will appreciate this look into the Los Angeles Dodgers and Dodger Stadium.
Note: This is part of an ongoing series dedicated to my recent travels, following the Chicago Cubs and some affiliates. If you want to catch up from the beginning, you can start here.
“Is Dodger Stadium built on top of a volcano?” I recently asked aloud sarcastically as I lumbered what seemed to be miles uphill toward Dodger Stadium. “Next time I’m bringing oxygen,” I added.
Any Chicago Cubs fan that has walked in the front gates of Dodger Stadium knows exactly what I’m talking about. In the first place, there’s no real good way to get to the stadium. The free bus tends to run late, there is no train drop off, parking is expensive and Los Angeles traffic after a game? That ranks with water-boarding and makes Chicago traffic look like a good time.
When we finally reached Mount Olympus, we got in line to enter the stadium. It hadn’t opened yet because this was Kike Hernandez bobblehead night and the goofy Dodger fans that worship him like the Greek God, Achilles, were all huddled outside to get their very own.