Gillick Would Be Good For The Cubs, And Hendry

Pat Gillick is being inducted into the MLB Hall of Fame this weekend. However despite the focus being on Gillick’s accomplishment during his life in Major League baseball, the focus is on the future for Gillick. More importantly, the focus is on whether or not Gillick will become the Cubs’ next team president and replace Crane Kenney. Kenney appears to be on borrowed time, and chairman Tom Ricketts may be lining up candidates to fill the vancancy. To avoid a media-frenzy, a spokesperson for Ricketts tried to downplay reports of conversations between the Cubs’ owners and Gillick regarding a future in the Cubs front office. But who is Ricketts trying to kid? Ever since the Ricketts family took control of the franchise from the Chicago Tribube, Gillick has been rumored to join the Cubs’ front office. That rumor may soon become reality.

Bruce Levine of ESPN Chicago reports that Gillick is open to talking with the Ricketts family regarding a position in the team’s front office. It is no secret that the position Gillick would fill would be as team president. One of Gillick’s long-time associates told Levine Gillick would consider the Cubs if the situation is right. Many fans get the wrong idea of the Cubs because of the team’s poor record. In reality, any position in the Cubs’ front office is usually highly coveted. Reason being there are a lot of resources at hand, and the chance to be idolized if the Cubs win the World Series during their tenure.

There is no question that hiring Gillick to replace Crane Kenney as the team president would be a good move for the Cubs. Kenney is a respectable buisness man who was a pivotal part in Cubs remaining in Arizona for Spring Training as well as some of the recent renovations that took place in Wrigley Field. The problem is that Kenney is not a baseball man. In order to run a successful organization, you need a baseball man to watch over those who are in control of the daily baseball operations. A theory that Tom Ricketts has admitted that he is not a believer in. The issue with that is that Kenney will never go against general manager Jim Hendry. Meaning it would be less likely that Ricketts fires Hendry after the season.

Having said that, if Gillick were to replace Kenney as team president, it may still be a good move for Hendry as well. It should not go forgotten that Gillick and Hendry have a strong business-relationship, and have worked well together in the past. In that scenario, Hendry’s true colors may come out. Not saying that Hendry should not be held accountable for the Cubs’ failures in recent seasons, he also should be credited for the successes as well. For instance, bringing in front office memebers like Tim Wilken and Oneri Flieta have been key to revamping the team’s farm system. But, Gillick–unlike Kenney–would be willing to tell Hendry “no.” Hendry has had free reign to due as he wishes with the Cubs’ roster considering the lack of baseball knowledge from Kenney or Ricketts. The Milton Bradley signing and Mike Quade hire are two prime examples. But being told “no” by a knowledgeable figure like Gillick would only improve Hendry as a general manager.

Gillick is currently a member of the Philadelphia Phillies front office as a consultant, and the Cubs would have to receive