Ron Santo, Dead At The Age Of 70

While, I never was able to watch Ron Santo play, I was able to listen to him as radio broadcaster for the Chicago Cubs for the past 10 years. It seemed like every game he would bring his emotion into it, and capture what every fan is feeling at that exact moment.  It was the sense of enjoyment that he brought to each and every game that he covered.  And, even if you were not a fan of his announcing, Ron Santo was just a great human being. Really, he was one of the greatest individuals in all of sports, I challenge you to find someone friendlier than him.

You can imagine the great sense of disbelief and sadness that myself; Cubs fans; and people who just enjoy baseball are going through this morning, as we wake up to the news that Ron Santo has passed away. Santo,70, died from complications to Bladder Cancer.

To be honest, I am at a lost of words. Because, I’m with everyone else as I did not even know that Ron was ailing. I wish we could just go back in time and listen to each and everyone’s of Ron’s broadcast, because then they would bring so much meaning to our hearts, and we could, for 3 hours,  imagine that Ron is still among us.

My condolences to the family of Ron Santo, as we have truly lost the biggest Cubs fan there will ever be. We can only hope that as he clicks his heals into Baseball Heaven, he finally gets recognized as a Hall of Famer.