Sandberg A Candidate For The Blue Jays

If Ryne Sandberg does not get offered the Chicago Cubs managerial position this offseason, there is a strong chance that Sandberg will likely part ways with the organization. In year in which as much as 12 teams may be looking for managers in the off-season there will certainly be a lot of oppurtunities for Sandberg. One option maybe the Toronto Blue Jays who have Sandberg on their list of candidates for the managerial opening, according to Jon Morosi of Fox Sports.

It would be premature for Sandberg to go after the Toronto position, or anyother opening for that matter before he is removed as a possible candidate for the Chicago Cubs opening. Sandberg has said all along that managing for the Cubs would be ideal, so expect him to first see whether or not he is offered the positon for the Cubs job before any other team.

The main reason I am so intrigued by Ryne Sandberg is because of the uncertainty he brings with him. Of course we all know he was a great player for the Chicago Cubs and that has endeared to the Cubs fans. But, what is not known, is how well of a manager he actually is.

Some of things working in his favor are that he has had success in every level of the Cubs farm systerm as a manager, and over his four years has developed relationships with a lot of young players that will probably be playing for the Chicago Cubs in the near future. If the Cubs were intending to go young, which I do expect them to completely do, then Sandberg would have to be the perfect choice. He is a put in a position with low expectations, and can then grow from their as a manager.

However a few of the reasons why I am against Sandberg being a manager is because of his lack of experience at the major league level as a manager, and his ability to handle the Chicago media. All indications point the Cubs management wanting to put out a team next year that is capable of contending for the playoffs, and if that is the case then Sandberg definitely is not the right choice for th job. Also I do not think Sandberg would be able to hande the Chicago media that have provided a lot of problems and criticizing remarks to former managers Dusty Baker, and Lou Piniella. To of those of you who think he can because as a player he dealed with teammates who had big egoes, listen to a couple foremr teammates of his talk about his personality. Almost all of them would tell you that he was a player of few words, and they did not see him as being a future manager.

Ryne Sandberg is still a top candidate for the Chicago Cubs opening along with Mike Quade, Eric Wedge, Bob Melvin, and Pat Listach ( Who was the minor league manager of the year in 2008 when he managed the Iowa Cubs).