A Hot Soriano, Brings Upon a Fued Between Chicago Writers

Alfonso Soriano is undoubtedly in one of those hot streaks right now where he can carry a team offensively. As in the past 3 games, Soriano has 4 home runs, 2 of which came in yesterdays 10-5 victory over the Arizona Diamondbacks. But, with Soriano’s Hot streak, comes a possible new hot rivalry between two Chicago Sports writers. With those two Writers being David Kaplan, and Phil Rogers.

Let me set the scene for you, before we get into the “she said- he said” part of the story. A couple weeks ago, Soriano received justifiable criticism from Cubs broadcaster Bob Brenly, and Cubs insider David Kaplan about Soriano not hustling out a ball that he thought would be a home run. After which, Soriano received a reasonable reprimand from manager Lou Piniella.

And keeping that in mind, Phil Rogers though that now was the perfect time wrongfully bash Bob Brenly, and David Kaplan for doing the right thing and criticizing a baseball player for not playing baseball the right way. Take a look at the unnecessary shot at David Kaplan and Bob Brenly…

"Forgive us, Alfonso. We should know better, but how quickly we all forget.When Bob Brenly, David Kaplan and seemingly everyone following the Cubs was treating Alfonso Soriano with something between contempt and ridicule for failing to run hard out of the batter’s box on a blast to the wall April 20 at Citi Field in New York, they missed the bigger picture: Soriano was showing signs of become a dangerous hitter again. CHICAGO TRIBUNE"

Which warranted this response from Kaplan…

"Well, Phil you are showing an incredible lack of understanding of how the game is supposed to be played. Sure, Soriano is red hot and he is carrying the team but you have once again missed the much bigger picture. There is a right way to play the game and a wrong way to play the game and when Soriano doesn’t hustle that is the wrong way to play the game and that my friend is an undeniable fact. You can defend his lack of hustle all you want but if it is no big deal then why was he pulled into Lou Piniella’s office after that game in New York and talked to about the play? Are you telling me Phil that when he hustled a double into a triple the next night that it had nothing to do with the tongue lashing he received from his manager less than 24 hours earlier?C’mon Phil, I know that you are smarter than that. Reading this it sure doesn’t show it though. KAPS CORNER"

Now, I personally have made it known before that I could do without reading an article from Phil Rogers. Because for one reason or the other, I feel that he does not really deserve a lot of the credibility that he receives. Now, I’m not saying Rogers does not know anything about baseball, I’m just saying that sometimes his ideas or articles do not make realistic sense at times. As, evident today when he wrongfully bashed David Kaplan, and Bob Brenly for harsh criticism.

And to steal the a very popular phrase from a segment on “The Boers and Bernstein show” on 670 the score…Hey Phil Rogers, “Who Ya Crappin”

