Cubs: 'No change' when it comes to Sammy Sosa, says Tom Ricketts

Sports Contributor Archive 2020
Sports Contributor Archive 2020 / Ron Vesely/GettyImages

Every year, Cubs fans convince themselves that this is the year Sammy Sosa will make a surprise appearance during Cubs Convention opening ceremonies. And every year, those folks are disappointed - and 2023 was no different.

Not only did Sosa not send the packed ballroom crowd into a raucous frenzy on Friday night, but Cubs owner Tom Ricketts made ithe situation perfectly clear during the ownership panel Saturday morning, reporting 'no change' on the organization's relationship with its disgraced all-time home run leader.

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Time and time again, the Ricketts family has said that, until Sosa addresses the PED allegations that cloud his accomplishments with the team, the Cubs won't welcome him back. Five years ago at Cubs Convention, Ricketts had this to say about the 1998 NL MVP.

Players of that era owe us a little bit of honesty, too. I feel like the only way to turn this page is just to put everything on the table. That’s the way I feel.
Tom Ricketts, Cubs owner

Until Sosa gives Ricketts and Cubs fans some 'honesty' about those suspected actions during his career, it's hard to envision a reunion. Ricketts acknowledged on Saturday that he'd love to put this all behind him and the club, but, again, until Sosa makes some sort of good will gesture, he'll remain on the outside looking in.

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Of course, for a generation of Cubs fans, Sosa represented the peak of their baseball fandom prior to the 2016 team. His 66-homer 1998 season and his role in the Home Run Chase that summer helped the sport regain lost popularity from the 1994 strike. Seven All-Star selections, six Silver Slugger Awards and National League MVP honors in '98. His list of accomplishments go on and on. But, for now, he's stuck in the past and seems unlikely to escape, barring a dramatic change of heart.