Midnights- Michael Fulmer (RHP)
If you’ve made it this far and you haven’t given up due to all of the terrible puns, then you may be thinking: “How in the holy hell does Michael Fulmer continue to receive recognition?” I wouldn’t blame you if that’s what you’re thinking, but bear with me.
When Midnights was released, Taylor Swift became the first artist in history to hold all of the top ten spots on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. That’s a lot of hits.
If there’s one thing that I think we can all agree on, it’s that Michael Fulmer gives up a lot of hits.
It’s kind of a bummer way to end this otherwise really fun article, but that’s what we managed to come up with. Either way, I hope anyone that is lucky enough to be attending the Eras Tour this weekend or any weekend for that matter has a marvelous time. Long Live Taylor Swift and Long Live the Chicago Cubs.