As long as everything goes according to plan in 2021, we will have a normal 162-game season again. This offseason has seen a number of teams (like the Chicago Cubs) dump star players for financial reasons with few teams going hard with additions. While there are plenty of teams that look to be in a playoff race, there are just a handful of teams that look like legit World Series contenders.
But hey, it’s baseball and a lot can happen. Regardless of the uncertainty, here are standings predictions for the 2021 baseball season.
For these predictions, I am going to give where each division will finish. I am also going to give each team a “win-range” prediction as opposed to one solidified number. For example, Team (X)’s win-range being (85-88), meaning I predict they will finish with around a range of 85-88 wins.
It’ll be an interesting year, in particular, for the Cubs – who could end up selling everything not bolted down or, once again, looking to capture some magic with the final pieces of the World Series team before they hit free agency.