Chicago Cubs: Low risk for Cubs and MLB to play in Hawaii

Aloha Stadium, Cardinals v Padres, Chicago Cubs (Mandatory Credit: Jed Jacobsohn /Allsport)
Aloha Stadium, Cardinals v Padres, Chicago Cubs (Mandatory Credit: Jed Jacobsohn /Allsport)
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Chicago Cubs
Aloha Stadium, Chicago Cubs (Mandatory Credit: Jed Jacobsohn /Allsport)

Chicago Cubs: Hawaii back to work and MLB back to revenue

In April 1997, the first MLB game was played in Hawaii. The St. Louis Cardinals beat the San Diego Padres in a double-header at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu. That was the last time anyone saw an MLB game in Hawaii, but it proved that it could be done.

If MLB announced today they were going to finish the season, postseason and World Series in Hawaii; certainly there would be a lot of interest from hotels and rental homes, cars, businesses and the whole local economy.

Some Hawaii people could go back to work supporting MLB. There would be a lot of work to do and jobs available. Seating would have to be added to certain areas and construction might get some quick work. There’s also selling food, souvenirs, getting fields ready to play, vendors of all shapes and sizes, broadcasters, TV jobs, security, drivers, deliveries and more.

Once safety measures were locked in place at the venues, Hawaii families could buy tickets and attend games. Families of MLB players could stay on the island with their players after they’ve been quarantined and tested. After 14 days, they would be just like everyone else in Hawaii.

Eventually, visitors could also be allowed to attend the games once medically cleared. If MLB plays ball in Hawaii, many of those visitors will gladly stay in quarantine for 14 days.

All of these baseball games would be televised, and so revenue streams would begin again for owners along with ticket sales and advertisements. Depending on where the games are located, there could be substantial revenue for everyone.

Speaking of locations, are there even enough professional fields in all of Hawaii to play the season?
