As we continue on through this new abnormal without baseball or any other sports in the foreseeable future, here’s our Chicago Cubs March Madness final matchup – no surprises here.
Without any semblance of Chicago Cubs sports or normality in American society currently, it’s hard to be excited about the prospects surrounding much of anything right now. That being said, we’re here to keep you entertained and add some happiness to your day.
What better way to do such a thing than to give you a little bit of Cubs baseball history and a tie in to the best tournament of the year? March Madness. Even though it’s now… well, May!
Regardless of your prior historical knowledge of the Chicago Cubs, this has an opportunity to get to know some of the greatest Cubs of all time. Their eras, their stats, and what kind of players they were. It’s also a way to pit modern versus old school players in an attempt to settle who is the GOAT in Cubs history.
When designing the original brackets, the parameters were pretty simple. Using career bWAR for all players, the bWAR is a total amount of bWAR garnered during a Chicago Cubs. Note that some of the players would be much higher if their career bWAR with different teams were used, but that may or may not come into play when we start having these players square off against each other to determine how they advance through the bracket.
Now that we’re at the end of the tournament, there are no surprises. With the two biggest names in Cubs history from the 1950s through the 1970s, Ernie Banks and Ron Santo. While both have their places in Cubs fans’ hearts, there can be only one (winner). Read on to see who comes out on top in the Chicago Cubs March Madness in 2020.