The chatter is deafening as to what will happen this MLB season. Rumors with hints of truth from briefings and players innuendo are the only sources.
As we cruise through April, everyone is teasing the Chicago Cubs and the MLB season. Even the President of the United States, Donald Trump, said in one of his nationwide press conferences recently that he’s tired of watching baseball games that are 14 years old. Right now, he wants fans back in the stadium seats.
The plan to ease back into the economy will play a large roll in whether MLB can get into the door past the Governor of Arizona. In all fairness, Governor Douglas Anthony Ducey is a Republican businessman and would love nothing better than to see the MLB season take place in his state, but he wants to do it “safely.” Who could blame him? So it’s not surprising that two of these new three rumors have to do with coming back and playing.
Folks, my arm is not even a little tired from patting myself on the back over predicting how baseball would come back in this COVID-19 era here: Chicago Cubs: Baseball could stop the spread of COVID-19. I know that the key for players coming back is their families being with them. Recently Chicago Cubs’ first baseman, Anthony Rizzo, inadvertently let slip the proposed plan for getting ‘families’ to be together. Rizzo told The Athletic’s Ken Rosenthal, as reported by NBC Chicago Sports Infinity:
"I think you’re going to have a hard time telling grown men with established lives to stay in a hotel and not be with their families. You’re going to tell Kris Bryant that he’s not going to see his baby (born April 7) for 4 1/2 months?"
Read my lips folks: Families will get tested and be the audience for the games. You will have families from both teams cheering for their guys. Rizzo let the cat out of the bag; families are the line that can’t be crossed; the players must have their families with them.
The only way to be sure that the families will not infect each other or the players is to be tested and then isolated together. I know that sounds bad, but listen folks: being carted around in limousine buses and having food delivered to you is not so bad. Also, these families will not be caged in, the players will be out every day practicing or playing and the families can go as well. They will also be the only guests in the complex/hotel, so the pool and other amenities are available for them.
There are so many travel bans right now, what else can families do but stay home and stay safe; that is the only other option. So look for ‘families’ to be a big part of the come-back tour for MLB. Our next rumor is about everyone’s favorite Cubs closer.