It is hard to make a ranking list of the top first baseman to play for the Cubs, considering there have been many good ones, but it makes for great conversation.
Since 1900, each decade has seen the Chicago Cubs field at least one good/great first baseman. While a select few of Cubs first baseman are in the baseball Hall of Fame, there are several “Hall of Very Good” players on the list as well, which makes putting together a ranking list a problematic task.
There are some criteria for this upcoming ranking to note. This list will go back through the “modern” era of baseball, so beginning with the turn of the last century when MLB began being consisted of the NL and AL.
Nobody before 1900 will be listed even though there were talented players before the modern era. This list also contains players who played first base for the Cubs for more than one season, which should be to no surprise.
As any all-time list we put together based on some differing opinions and other points of view, this is all up for debate. Here is our list: