The Chicago Cubs could conceivably made trades with just about any MLB club. In that vein, let’s take a look at possible trades, starting with the AL East.
With reports surfacing about the Cubs desire to make a trade of some sort this offseason, rather than continuing to look at blockbuster-type trades, I’ve decided to go around the league, division by division, and propose a trade with every single team in Major League Baseball. Every team, whether great or small, small-market or gargantuan-market, contender or pretender, is in the market for a good trade.
Some trades are about money. Some trades are about winning right now. Some trades are about winning in a few years. Some trades are even just to bolster organizational depth. You know it and I know it. With that being said, we’re going to be going through each division with all of those possible trades in mind. Not for the Cubs per se, as my goal in every trade is to win.
I don’t really know (and probably never will) if that’s the order of the day for the Cubs front office and Team Epstyer, but that will be my goal. Every trade I propose will have the sole purpose of putting the Cubs in a better position to win now and possibly even going forward. You’re only promised today, so why worry about next year or 2022, right?
The first edition in this division by division trade series (out of six), this article’s focus will be the American League East. Even though the AL East has three possible contenders in its midst, some of them are looking to shed payroll, find some diamonds in the rough, and try and get better with guys they think will work for them who maybe didn’t in Chicago. Read on to see who the Cubs might target and be willing to give up for said targets.