Cubs Rumors: Giants interested in Heyward, Harper still a possibility?

(Photo by Jon Durr/Getty Images)
(Photo by Jon Durr/Getty Images)
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Cubs rumors
(Photo by David Banks/Getty Images)

Chicago Cubs: We loved the speech, but is that enough?

And the Harper situation leads us back to another rumor. The Giants seem to be still intrigued by the thought of trying to acquire Heyward. For what cost now is unknown. The rumor started several years ago, with the possibility of Mark Melancon and Jeff Samardzija coming to the Cubs. It gained steam again the beginning of this year, as reported by Evan Altman of Cubs Insider.

The issue is that while the fans see this signing as the “biggest signing flop in Cubs history,” (you know I’m not lying when I say that), the Cubs don’t see it that way. No, Heyward seems to be using a bat four inches too short and five ounces too heavy. But that glove? Mmmm, that thing is made of gold with an arm to match.

And Heyward has proven himself to be a leader and solid teammate in the clubhouse, even when his performance on the field has suffered. How often do you see someone making his amount of money sitting on the bench and not making a public nuisance at every chance? Rarely ever. And that’s part of his value. And the Cubs don’t want to give that up for nothing–or especially what would be deemed a “loss.”
