Chicago Cubs: Picasso, Len and Flippers
15. Those who don’t watch – believing they’re cursed. These folks usually come out when the
calendar flips to October. Get ready, folks.
16. Those who watch the game with their pets.
- The who watch the game in their office (at work).
- Those who keep stats during the game. Yes, I know that’s a good one and you thought I was running out of them. Stay tuned, sonny.
- Those who watch it in black & white. Basically this is because the TV still has a test tube and is older than the Picasso in Daley Plaza.
- Those who only watch the fights. Usually this is a sign of a deeper problem.
- Those who rewind parts of the game when it’s live. This is usually preceded by, “Did you see that?”
- Those who listen to the radio feed but watch the TV feed. They tend to think the play by play is better on the radio. Sorry, Len.
- Those who only watch the game in extra innings. Talk about being late!
- Those who change the channel during commercial breaks (Flippers).
- Those who watch it live at the ball park! Probably the best of them all.
Every day someone is experiencing the game in a new way and they probably don’t even realize it. How do you watch the game? What kind of creature are you?