From Cozad to Lincoln, Omaha, and Beyond
by: Adam McGinnis and Eric Mauro
Growing up in Cozad, Nebraska, there weren’t an awful lot of fellow Cubs fans. As a kid, I got a lot grief from my classmates and friends for loving the Cubs. The team was just so bad consistently that it was always fun to joke about.
It wasn’t fun watching a perpetually losing franchise, but I look back fondly on those days bantering with people over the Cubs. Generally speaking, the Kansas City Royals are the favorite team amongst most people in my hometown, with some Colorado Rockies fans sprinkled in as well.
Some say they’ve seen a lot more people wearing Cubs gear since the team started getting good a couple years ago, but that’s not really the case for me. Husker football tends to trump everything here.
It’s not as odd as you might think. In fact, it’s pretty simple. Mainly, here, you see fans of the Cubs, Royals, and Cards. Of course, having the playful jab with Cardinals fans is always fun. Being a Cubs fan in Omaha is a good time. People are friendly, and Cubs/Cards isn’t nearly as heated here as it is in, say, St. Louis or Chicago, obviously.