Chicago Cubs: Joe Maddon to be featured in Sunday’s ESPN SC Featured

Maddon in the spotlight on ESPN’s SC Featured

The Chicago Cubs are a different team this year. The culture has changed. The results have changed. The plan that Theo Epstein instituted is coming to fruition, but much of it may not have been possible without the move to get the charismatic Joe Maddon. On Sunday’s ESPN SC Featured, you’ll be able to get an all-access look at the man who has guided the Cubs to eight-straight wins to see that he really is the guy from that introductory press conference.

The segment will air on the 10 a.m. edition of SportsCenter, and will re-air in other editions throughout the day. The features gives a look at the man pulling the strings on a team that wasn’t expected to be this least this soon.

“If you’re not a little bit crazy, you’re never gonna take the necessary risks to be great. Whether it’s some guy in the clubhouse doing something nuts, or whether it’s bringing a python in there, penguins in there, bringing a salsa band or a DJ, something that loosens the moment up.”  — Joe Maddon

I recently talked about Maddon’s tough love approach to his players via benchings, demotions or an early hook for starters. He’s done the things that most managers shy away from, and the Cubs are in the thick of the postseason hunt because of it.

The decision to release Rick Renteria as manager from the Cubs was not one taken lightly, but as you get to know Maddon as a person and not just a skipper, you’ll begin to see why the front office felt it was necessary to make the move to bring him to Chicago.

“A lot of people pay lip service to supporting their community, and then they get on a plane and kind of fly away, either literally or metaphorically. But Joe never flew away from this community.” – Bob Curry, president of Hazleton Integration Project (founded by Maddon to unite people of different cultures

Maddon had started many programs and foundations along the way, and they don’t end just because he changes addresses. He is still a part of his hometown, his Tampa charities continue, and they will continue in Chicago. Be sure to catch the feature tomorrow on ESPN at 10 a.m., and check out a preview of what’s to come.

Next: Five reasons to believe inthe Cubs