The rooftop owners surrounding Wrigley Field have agreed to not sue the Chicago Cubs if the team sticks to last year’s plan to install only two advertising signs in the outfield, the Chicago Tribune reported Thursday.
The Cubs have not publicly commented at this time. Cubs owner Tom Ricketts went on the offensive in May and released a video on the team’s website, unveiling a new Wrigley renovation plan that included seven outfield signs. The City of Chicago’s Landmarks Commission has only approved two signs.
Any signage will have to be approved by the commission and the seven-sign proposal is scheduled to be presented to the commission on July 10.
The main dispute the rooftop owners continue to voice is the signs will block their view and negatively effect their business and the move violates a previous contract the two sides have agreed to.
Rooftop owners Jim Lourgos and George Loukas told the Tribune they presented the offer to the Cubs and have not heard a response from the organization.
"“The rooftops have been working very hard to find a solution that works for everyone,” Lourgos told the Tribune."
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