At a time when things between the Chicago Cubs organization and the City of Chicago are already a bit tumultuous, the two sides are expected to meet today to talk about a needed special use permit for its remote parking lot located 3900 N. Rockwell St.
According to John Byrne of the Chicago Tribune, the Cubs are on the Zoning Board of Appeals agenda Friday to get the permit to operate the 1,000 space lot that was part of the Wrigley Field renovation deal between the organization, Ald. Tom Tunney and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The necessity of such an appearance was dictated by one alderman’s opposition to the proposal.
"Ald. Ameya Pawar, 47th, challenged the decision to move the remote lot to his ward, saying residents were blindsided by the possibility of 1,000 extra cars in the community on some game days. He pushed the city to require the team to obtain a special-use permit."
The lot was instituted as a traffic relief measure in the Wrigleyville area, but now is less certain. The renovation of the neighborhood, which will include a complete overhaul of Wrigley Field, as well as the construction of a hotel near the stadium, is expected to cost the Ricketts family approximately $500 million, but still needs city approval after many changes to the original proposal were shot down by Emanuel last month.
The lot has roughly 1,000 spaces and would be free to fans driving to Cubs’ games. The lot has been used by the team already this season, but continuing to do so would require the special use permit from the city.