There Can Only Be One True “Boss”

Seeing as how I am only 17 years old, and I started watching baseball 7 years ago, I never really grasped the true brilliance of the late George Steinbrenner. All I know, is that I used to always admire the way he would put out the money in order to get the big stars to come to New York. Sure many may not have liked his ways, but you have to give the man his respect. Whether it was in a Seinfeld episode, or in real life, there was no one bigger or more influential in the game of baseball then George Steinbrener himself. And, on the day we celebrate the games all stars, we mourn the loss of the games biggest individual. Rest In Peace George Steinbrenner.

Here are Quotes from Cubs manager Lou Piniella on his relationship with George Steinbrenner…

Chicago Cubs manager and former New York Yankees manager Lou Piniella says New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner “was like a father figure.”
Piniella says Steinbrenner gave him “a wonderful opportunity to play and manage the game we all love.” Piniella says Steinbrenner was special to him and he loved him. DAILY HERALD

Video Courtesy of YES! Network