It’s a Nice Gesture, I Guess…

Freshly-signed Cubs right fielder Milton Bradley, eager to make a good impression on his new team, showed up to spring training on Sunday, a day before he was required to appear.  “It’s a new beginning,” Bradley said. “It’s a home, finally.”  That “it’s a home” remark is a reference to his having signed a 3-year deal with the Cubs…after playing for four teams in the last five years.  It remains to be seen whether Bradley will actually last the whole 3 years though.  He tends to wear out his welcome, for reasons that don’t really need to be rehashed.

Funny I should mention not needing to rehash Bradley’s past too…cause that’s exactly what he said to reporters during his first visit with the media at Mesa.  “I know what I’ve done wrong,” Bradley said of his past issues.  “I’m trying to do things right.”  Okay Milton…you’ve gotten yet another chance, now make something of it.